Friday, September 3, 2010

Exercise and Motivation

Daily Exercise.
Daily exercise is the key to a healthy body and mind. Once you have that covered, you can set to work, (at the same time), to work on your income goals. Its not hard unless you are a lazy person with no desire and lack of self control. (There, I've said it)! This article may upset or offend, if you are easily offended then please don't read it. I'm not interested in your negative comments about this article, as I have spent most of my adult life, (47 years to 2010), working on and understanding these principals. People need the truth, because only truth can set you free. You know it!

"If things don't change they'll stay as they are".

I'm sorry, but I don't have time for whingers and whiners, I say get off your lazy ass and make things happen. People who I meet for the first time and realize my age and lifestyle does not match their expectation of what a 47 year old business man should look, act and be like, is my fault.

Its my fault because I take responsibility for my own actions or lack of them! There is the pivotal point, lack of action. If you sit watching TV in all your spare time, consoling yourself with excuses like; 'Well, I've worked hard all day and now its me time'. - That's OK, ((let me explain), Its only OK 'if' you have got all of your other bases covered that will fulfill all of your goals). Then you cannot expect to change things in your life.

"If things don't change they'll stay as they are", my dad used to say, tong in cheek. But, did he really understand the meaning and truth in that statement?

"Only truth can set you free".

Here's one of my self-talk statements from my goal wall. "My outline for my daily goals is, HEALTH, FAMILY, LOVE, WELL-BEING and WEALTH. (In that order). Why that order, and what the terms mean to me is my business, but I suggest you use these or get your own similar keywords that outline your goals and aspirations. I'll explain.

Without your health, nothing else will matter, because if you are laying on your bed wheezing like a pig stuck in a barbed wire fence, you will not be able to do anything. On the negative side, you won't enjoy life if you are unfit, simple as that. That is my belief and experience! You cannot work if you are ill, you become unattractive to people socially and physically. (Unless you are mentally stimulating, upbeat and exceptionally charismatic).

On the positive side, if you have a daily exercise session, (no-matter what your physical health-level, condition or ailment may be, (if any at all other than just being lazy)). You can start to improve your situation in all areas! That's why I've said that:- "Daily exercise is the key to a healthy body and mind".

Daily exercise will also help you to develop consistence and motivation. Everything in moderation though, don't over-do it. I know people who spend 2 hours a day in the gym. That's OK if it is part of your balanced life-style, but not OK if you have not got the family-life, social-life, love, well-being and income in place, (or are not working on those with a balanced perspective).

"Daily exercise is the key to a healthy body and mind".

Have a minimum daily exercise session of 30 to 40 minutes. If you are not used to exercising, then this will be a real strain for you. If you can keep up a regular exercise session, it will enable you to realize that you can achieve something! You can use it as a spring-board to greater things. You can make study sessions for work and leisure to improve your income and develop your skills in any area you wish. You will know you can do it, because you have already had success in other areas.

All you have to do is put those same ethics and practices to work in any-other area of your life as you desire. You will find that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to. Focus and concentration on a subject will make you an expert in that field.

Daily exercise will also motivate you, to pounce straight into the next thing on your 'To Do List'. Its a great way to start your day. It will in-vigor you with energy and get you mind working.

There was a university study, (you will have to look it up for yourself, somewhere on the Internet if you doubt my sincerity), that showed, that children who walked to school, did better in school, than those who were driven by parents. The only correlating evidence that separated the children was the exercise they got walking to school. The study concluded that the school children that had walked had more oxygen in their blood, were more alert and better able to concentrate.

"This is your wake-up call"!

The spin off from early morning exercise, pays off in big dividends to your work at your job, especially if the work is mentally demanding, taking concentration and requiring ingenuity and creativeness. In fact, its even more important in those circumstances, because standard office work, sitting behind a desk most of the day is a sedentary life-style.

"A sedentary life-style has significant effects on longevity".

Again, another study showed that a sedentary life-style had significant effects on longevity. Implying that little or no exercise reduced longevity. You know its true, you just need a slap in the face to wake you up to it, this is your wake-up call!

Its like this, (unless you are already wealthy and have everything you want in life, (then why are you reading this)? If you cannot even get the first part of this done, that is; setting a simple daily exercise session of 30 or 40 minutes minimum, then you will not be able to achieve success in any other areas of your life.

A friend of mine had great grades at school, did college and university, and had three degrees at the end of it. Wanting always to be a university dean as his end goal in life. He was addicted to study, but neglected family and exercise, resulting in dying at the age of 34 without a partner and weighing in at 22 stone.

For a 5'8" man that's massive and unhealthy. You know it is, so don't bother giving me any bad vibes of how I'm a fattist or whatever the word is. I'm not, If you want to be like that, that is entirely your choice, I know you won't complain to me about compression damage on your ankles, chafing sores between your legs, not being able to sleep at night, constant irritating pains and niggles in your body and mainly chest. Sweating / perspiration problems, lack of energy, cravings and all the rest of those things overweight people complain of.

"Take professional medical advice to improve your situation".

Of course I know there are people for whom this is not-a-choice, because of health problems in the past or current ailments. I realize this and am very sorry for you not being able to be the person you want to be, if you are unhappy with your body size, you must take professional medical advice to improve your situation.

Conversely, if you are overweight by what the medical norm states is unhealthy, but you are perfectly happy and healthy with yourself, then I am very happy for you, you have your success. I have several family members who are massively overweight, yet seem to be in perfect health otherwise. But I must add, none of my overweight cousins, aunts and uncles made it past age 46. (The slim ones are still living)! Maybe that's why I'm empowered and motivated to write this now, at the age of 47. That 46 age point had been mentioned within my family, but then I never really give it any thought myself, because I'm not overweight!

"Ask yourself, Whats your excuse"?

I'm not saying you cannot achieve anything unless you are fully able bodied! There are countless thousands of miraculous achievers who have over-come massive odds of physical impairment to achieve their dreams, plans and goals. Just think of people like Stephen Hawkins and Christopher Reeves, who are great thinkers, writers and philosophers.

There are many successes in the Para-Olympics, I applaud with tears in my eyes, thinking of the pain and strife they must have gone through to achieve even just being there and taking part. It should be a great resource for you as it is for me, to see these individuals and what they can achieve under massive disability and set-backs. Then ask yourself, Whats your excuse? (Is that grammatically correct? I don't care, you get the point don't you)!

"No-man ever got really wealthy, working for someone else"!

In summary.
Start your daily exercise plan, sessions of 30 to 40 minutes. Use a heart-rate monitor and record your progress because only by measuring your heart-rate to time and exertion level, can you know your safe limits and judge your improvement. There is really no other way! I suggest static cycle or rowing machine, at home, then you are not distracted or have problems by way of travel to a gym. Other things you may be able to do are sit-ups, press-ups, dips, lunges and squats, to name a few. All of the old school stuff, is still good for you and you don't need any equipment!

Set out a daily 'To Do' list, that will forward your bond with your partner, your family-life, social-life, your own well-being and state of mind. Then you must have work goals, one for you job - if you work for someone-else and one for yourself, your own business idea. Quote, "No-man ever got really wealthy, working for someone else"! I don't know who said it originally, but I believe it to be true. You need your own business!

To keep a balance, work on each area in rota. At first you may have to do an exercise session every other-day, in order to get all the stuff done that you want to do. Just spend a little time each day on everything if you can! You know how to eat an elephant don't you? One bite at a time! I heard an amusing story of (I think), a German fellow who ate a large passenger air-craft by swallowing filings of it with each meal. What an idiot. Don't do anything stupid like that! But it does show you what you can achieve if you put your mind to it, focus and concentrate and take action!

TAGS: Exercise and Motivation, fitness and health, Fitness,  daily exercise,

Exercise and Motivation, fitness and health, Fitness,  daily exercise, Fitness, Exercise, health,  

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Secret - (to finding the time, reason and motivation to exercise).

I follow the teachings in The Secret, (see banners on this blog), I have mentioned it before, but I think that post has long gone!

In 'The Secret', we learn about success and self-development, via opening our minds and awakening to truth and reality. 'The Secret' teaches us about the Law of Attraction and having the right mental attitude.

Above all, for me, has been the understanding I have gained as to why I fail to keep to my exercise regime. You are guilty of this too, I know you are! Look, its not easy is it? You get busy, don't get time to go to the gym, or worse if like me, you exercise alone at home or possibly go out for a run, cycle etc.

Its not as hard if you are committed to a team-sport and have to attend practice sessions, it's slightly harder if you are in a more solitary activity that can be done alone, like Karate Kata's and moves can be practiced alone, tumbling, trampolining, running, cycling, rowing etc

So, how do you get motivated.. Think of it this way, if you don't exercise, your body will eventually break-down and fail.
Remember - You only have one body to take you through the whole of your life! You cannot get a new one, it cannot be easily repaired if it breaks or gets permanently damaged. Kidney failure, liver failure, heart failure, respiratory disorders and your immune system failure are all fitness related.

If you become unhealthy, slovenly, lacking in movement, low-fitness restricts blood-flow, causes aches and pains, muscle weakness. Not being able to run, lift and carry, bend. Play football with the kids, brings on early symptoms of old age (I believe), and so on. You know the price you'll surely pay! However, its not only lack of motivation.. Its guilt too!

Well, the best answers came to me from The Secret, to do with my own self guilt at failing to keep to my exercise regime. The Secret, first empowered me by making me realise that 'I am only human' and 'I should have compassion and forgiveness for myself', (as well as for others).

If you cannot forgive yourself for your own indiscretions and have compassion for your own plight of time restrictions and demands in other areas of your life, like family and friends, life and domestication's of shopping, paying bills, being DADS TAXI SERVICE, (yea, is that a big one in your book too)?

You feel you have to simply resign yourself to life. But, does it have to end this way?

No! - There are enough hours in the day. Sure, it sometimes means giving up some things you usually do, like watching the £100,000 a year life-stealer, abbreviated to "TV"!

Television, I admit, I watch too much. Star Trek, CSI, Self-Build-Progs & Home Improvement, My Wife and Kids, Films - (big film fan). Wild-Life and Nature Programmes, Educational - and kids programmes with my two youngest boys. etc.

I have an excuse, in that I work from home, so I have the TV on from about 4pm when I get home with the kids from the school-run.

I often work late into the night anyway, (like), its 23.54 UK GMT now, sat writing this and watching The Blues Brothers on UK TV.

I don't need to see it, I've seen it several times before, its just an iconic film!

Anyway - I could turn off if I needed to concentrate. (Honest).

My Exercise Regime.
So WHEN do I exercise? The best time is first thing in the morning, 5 or 6am if I've have enough sleep. I sleep about 4 to 6 hours and that fits in great with my work and family commitments.

Why tell you this? Well, if I can show you, that I can find the time to exercise, so can you! I have a minimum number of sessions I try to stick to of 3 a week, but usually I exercise everyday.

Every day is the key! It comes down to habit. If you get into the habit of exercise, like a ritual, it becomes a natural part of your day, like breakfast, or getting washed. It becomes a necessity!

I find, once I get started, I start to think of all the other things I have to do that day, but I use that time to think and plan now, rather than like in past times, I've had to stop and cut short my exercise session to get on with work.

Because I have added more value to this exercise time in my own mind, justifying the added 'quality thinking time' as a bonus, it helps get it done!

Maybe this way of thinking could help with your commitment to exercise?

Exercise AT-HOME!
One of the reasons I started exercising at home was due to available time. It took 30 minutes to drive to the gym, I'd spend 10 minutes getting changed, then a 1.5 to 2 hr session, made up of 20 or 30 minutes cardio - cycle and / or rowing or running m/c, 20 - 30 minute boxercise (or step class with the women).

10 or 20 minutes of each- weights, swimming, sauna, jacuzzi. Then 20 minutes getting showered, dried and dressed after exercise, then 30 minutes back home! Not counting about £12 in petrol and £5 parking. A real waste of time and money! The gym membership was £40 per month.

Now I have no gym membership. I spent the money on home exercise equipment, (not even new - got some real bargains), no-expenses to get there, more time to do exercise, (#which it is what it is all about)!

Another benefit is, I can change, shower in privacy, meditate in a hot bath afterwards, work, listen and learn whilst I exercise and if something needs my attention, (like a phone call comes in), I can get on with business and get back to my exercise straight after I'm done!

The only thing I lack and miss now is the swimming pool, sauna and Jacuzzi I used to love at the gym!

I also use the home-exercise time to a maximum, by listening to one of my self-development CD's. As well as playing a talk type CD, I also have a music CD playing.

Its not the cacophony of sound you'd imagine, as I can get the balance just right and listen to both, usually exercising to the beat in the music whilst taking in the information on the talk CD. Its easy.. Why not try it for yourself and see..

TIP, If I'm running a CD on my computer, (playing with Windows Media Player), I usually also connect to my BLIP.FM account via the web to get music to play simultaneously. Or you can use two players - I have another MP3/Wav file player software on my PC.

Summary: Forgive yourself for your indiscretions, you are only human! Just restart your commitment and get on with it! Find the time, giving up TV time, even the gym its-self if necessary and exercise at home if you have to.

Stay Fit.

Monday, March 22, 2010

About Andy-Gold's Fitness and Health Blog.

Hi - AndyGold here...Fresh for 2010.

Now,... I know you see lots of health and fitness blogs all over the net, so why read mine. I do read several health and fitness blogs myself and I have not yet see a blog that comes from someone who considers himself not-perfect..

Its like, all the blogs you see are written by chiseled Adonis Greek god and goddesses types. I know I'm a little over-weight, and now that I have a sedentary job, sitting in front of my computer 24/7, its really really hard to keep my motivation and direction.

OK - So what am I going to talk about.. Mainly my own health and fitness regime and how I overcame / or aspire to overcome my - at-times, lack-of-motivation, procrastination and the challenges I face or have faced during exercise..

Like- (I hope you don't think I'm being rude, because I'm talking about myself here)... Being a fat-ass and trying to ride an exercise cycle. I could not go for as long as I could before I put the weight on, not only, in part due to earlier exhaustion. But mainly due to the fact that I got a numb-bum from my weight on the saddle. Then later, saddle sores if I persisted. (My tips to avoid this in a later post).

Another issue, is your own self-talk. What you say, when you talk to yourself. I know this will sound like I've lost the plot, for those of you who don't agree or appreciate the benefits or effects of self-talk.. Anyway, I hope to write a few posts as to why this is a great mental tool to aid you in the pursuit of your goals all round, as well as for your health and fitness.

In addition, I have my Twitter groups. There's SelfTalk4u - but namely FitnessMad - because I often feel that I am obsessed with my health and fitness.

Lets face it, without your health and fitness, everything else is pointless. You may have a goal to earn a million or already have millions indeed. You may have an ideal family or be in the throws of designing your life and building your family..

But... What use is all or any of that to you, if your health is failing or worse! Especially, the biggest kick, would be, as you lay on your death-bed... Knowing that you could quite easily have done plenty of things to extend your life, or conversely NOT SHORTEN IT, with all those bad living habits..

OK - So now I have cheered you up, no-end, with all of that, why should I bother with all this.. Well, I usually write in my personal and private journal. Its a shame to just keep all that knowledge to myself.

Overflowing with health and fitness advice and tips, plus these are not just things or information that I have gleaned out of all my reading and study over the years, but also my own discoveries!

I have a secret or two, several key things to looking younger that I have developed over many years that I'll tell you about. You see, I do manage to get my age misjudged by on average 10 years and often 20 years younger than I actually am..

Anyway, we shall see. Like I said, I'm not perfect. I still have difficulty from time to time with my desire and motivation, as well as personal health issues.

I want to write an article for you to tell you about my 'GOOD BACK' - Self-talk again .. but If you have a bad back.. And I know you won't believe me, but half the battle is in your own mind. Right down from the way you talk about your bad-back down to how you operate your body.

Your body is a machine.. A living machine. Don't over-stress it, but work it enough to keep it in good physical working order. Put the right fuels in, staying fit over 40, my fitness advice, how to get fit if you're unfit, etc..

More on all that later.. So, I hope to see you back here again, when I've had time to add more posts..

Stay healthy and fit.
Tags: fit over 40, Fitness, fitness advice, fitness and health, get fit, health